OLE Henriksen 3 Little Wonders works wonders #RANBonusBox #Olehenriksen

Ole Henriksen 3 little wonders system sheer transformation invigorating night treatment truth serum collagen booster

We recently had an opportunity to try 3 products from the Ole Henriksen beauty line. The #RANBonusBox that we received from @Rakutenmarketing_US contained a travel-sized version of Ole Henriksen’s (#Olehenriksen) 3 Little Wonders system.

Ole Henriksen 3 little wonders mini collection

This system is described on the box as a “professional strength anti-aging AM/PM system”. It promises to reverse all visible signs of aging skin and to reveal your “most youthful, healthy & radiant complexion while nurturing and indulging your skin and senses”.

Inside the box were mini versions of:

  1. Ole Henriksen Sheer Transformation
  2. Ole Henriksen Truth serum collagen booster
  3. Ole Henriksen Invigorating Night Treatment

Ole Henriksen 3 little wonders sheer transformation invigorating night treatment truth serum collagen boosterIf you’ve been reading our blog for a while then you know we don’t like spending money. That’s mostly because we don’t have money to spend. And it can be frustrating to spend money on products that say they do something that they don’t really do. But guess what? We’re going to fork over $75 to get another set that contains 1 oz sizes of the products we sampled.

3 Little Wonders works wonders

In under 2 weeks time the 3 little wonders did for our skin what the products we’ve tried for years and years never managed to do over months of using them. We’ve literally never seen our skin look better. And we’re hopeless case scenarios. We’ve never had good skin. Even when we were teens and young twenties our skin was just not great. We have a long history of trying all kinds of face creams. But even while some did help after months of use, we never really had those “glowing skin” experiences. And especially now that we’re dealing with the aging aspect, we’ve been feeling increasingly unattractive due to the poor condition of our skin. But just from the brief period we’ve used the samples of Ole Henriksen products we received in our Bonus box, our skin has looked amazing.

bannerWe’re not claiming we suddenly have blemish-free photo-ready skin. We still have dark spots. We still have fine lines. But the dark spots are visibly less dark and our skin is visibly smoother and noticeably tighter and brighter.

You have to know this stuff made an impression if we’re going to spend $75 to get 1oz bottles of beauty products.

What the products do…

Ole Henriksen 3 little wonders mini collection back of boxAs you can see from the above picture taken of the back of the box, the Sheer transformation diminishes dark spots, the invigorating night treatment evens skin tone and minimizes pores, and the truth serum collagen booster supports healthy collagen.

We can’t speak to every claim, but from our brief trial we’ve seen evidence that the products do in fact fade dark spots, even skin tone and minimize pores. They have done for us what they say on the box they do. They have revealed a more youthful, healthier, more radiant complexion. And we figure if they can do that after such a short period of time, they must surely be able to completely clear up our dark spots after a month or two of use right.  That’s what we’re hoping!

We don’t expect there’s going to be any product that’s going to permanently reset the clock; but any product that can give us a few days in a row of looking radiant warrants being called a “wonder” in our book. These 3 little wonders are amazing. We highly recommend that you give them a try. But keep in mind that we’re not guaranteeing they are going to work for you. We’re only telling you they worked wonders for us. And if, like us, you have a problem with dark spots and uneven skin tone, and aging skin, these products did more in a week to fade our dark spots and even up our skin tone and make our skin look more youthful, than the products we’ve used in the past were able to do after months of use.

You can find the Ole Henriksen 3 Little Wonders at Sephora and also on the Ole Henriksen website.

3 little wonders bonus collection

3 Little Wonders Bonus CollectionBuy at olehenriksen.com

From Ole Henriksen – Let our foundational four revitalize skin! Our signature 3 little wonders work in synergy to brighten, resurface and hydrate the complexion. Harnessing vitamin c, essential fatty acids & alpha hydroxy acids – this remarkable trio will transform your skin in 7 days. To complete your regimen, this gift collection also includes our bestselling brightening cleanser.


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